Important information
Before you start face painting check that the child/children have no skin allergies or infections. Although Snazaroo professional water based face paint is non-toxic and highly tested, never paint someone's face if any kind of skin problem is suspected. If in doubt, try a little on the inside of his or her wrist and leave it for approximately 60 minutes to see if a reaction develops.
Make sure your face paints are presented on a clean towel and that you have a good supply of water for washing brushes and sponges between faces.
There is no need to put any cream or moisturizer on the skin before you begin. Water based face paint is best applied directly onto clean, dry skin.
You may wish to keep the hair away from the face with a hair band or clips.
Always apply the base colour first, using a damp sponge. Make sure that the sponge is not too wet by squeezing out excessive water or the finished result may be streaky.
To achieve a deeper colour, allow the first coat to dry and then apply a second coat.
On designs that have a variety of light and dark colours, apply the lighter colour first, if possible.
When applying colour with a brush, keep strokes even and work in continuous lines. Avoid the temptation to sketch. Confidence will come with practice.
Note: Water based face paint is also great for body painting! Use brushes to paint rings on fingers, wrist watches and bracelets on arms, or a huge tattoo - the effects can be stunning.
Maintaining your face painting kit
In order to get the best results, we recommend these basic tips.
1.When storing or using the kit, keep it in a cool place out of sunlight. Always make sure your materials and face paint containers are cleaned at the end of every session. Store your materials in a dry clean state with lids on all containers.
2.When finishing a session, wipe any excess moisture from the surface of the paints and store with the lids on.
3.Brushes should be rinsed well in hot water and left to dry before putting away.
4.Sponges should be washed well in hot soapy water and left to dry before putting away.
5.Face paint which has been used for more than eighteen months should be discarded.
6.Discard badly stained or damaged brushes and sponges.
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